Thank you for your interest in applying for the CLIMATE HEALTH INNOVATION BOOTCAMP FOR AFRICAN YOUTH 2024



The CLIMATE HEALTH INNOVATION bootcamp seeks to empower Fifty (50) African youths through an intensive 6-weeks virtual learning with essential skills (Collaborative problem solving and design thinking), technology-driven ideas to develop actionable strategies to strengthen healthcare resilience and improve health outcomes in the face of climate-related challenges.

“Our Goal is to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and networks necessary to drive innovation and contribute to the improvement of healthcare through digital technology in Africa”


<aside> 💡 APPLY NOW : ****



CHIBAY delivers a standard curriculum that includes interactive lectures, workshops, case studies, and group projects to facilitate the acquisition of digital health knowledge and skills towards mitigating climate-health related challenges :

<aside> 💡 - Design thinking in public health


As well as learning practical skills and undertaking problem-based learning, you will also execute a project alongside your group and mentor during the climate-health innovation challenge, with the groups presenting their work at Demo Day at the end of the Bootcamp.

Apply now :

Program Highlights

Application Process

<aside> 💡 August 27th 2024 - September 9th 2024 - Online Application opens September 16th 2024 - Announcement of selected participants September 21st 2024 - Orientation session

Apply now : ****


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